
When you choose to pay with iDeal, you can directly log in to your own bank account. If you pay by iDeal, the order will immediately be marked as paid in our system. You can also choose to make a payment in a trusted and secure internet payment environment offered by your bank. For iDeal the payment providers are: ABN AMRO, ING, Rabobank, SNS Bank, Friesland Bank, ASN Bank, Regio Bank, Triodos Bank, Van Lanschot Bank.

Credit card & European payment providers

We process credit card payments and payments via Mistercash and Sofortbanking. Through our payment system you can pay a.o. with

Mister Cash
American Express
ING Homepay

If you pay with one of the above-mentioned payment providers, your order will immediately be marked as paid in our system. We will then process the order on the same working day if it has been paid before 23:59.

Bank transfer

When you choose to pay by bank transfer, the website will automatically confirm your order by e-mail. In addition, you will see your invoice number and the account number of Hoftronic B.V. in the next screen where you can transfer the total amount of the order to. It is important that you state the invoice number as the reference number of the order with your transfer. Please take into account the time your bank needs to process the payment. Once we have received your payment, your order will be processed and shipped. If after three working days after placing the order you still have not received confirmation of your payment, please contact our customer service. Our delivery times start from the moment we receive your payment.

If you want to speed up the shipping of your order, do not use a bank transfer but choose one of our other payment options such as iDEAL.

Retrieve invoice

We store your invoice online in your account. This way you can easily consult, copy and print an invoice as often as you like.

To do so, log into your account and choose "My orders".
Find your order and click on the "view" button.
Scroll down to see the invoice.
Pay invoice

Via the payment button you can easily pay any outstanding invoice online with iDEAL or one of the other payment providers. The payment button is in your account and can easily be reached via the relevant order in the "My order" menu.

If you do not use internet banking, you can transfer the amount to our bank account which is mentioned on the invoice.

Changing the invoice

Once your order has been placed, we can no longer change the data on the invoice.

Payment reminder

Invoice and reminder mails are always sent to the e-mail address of the user account.